I can't really express why I want to live in Japan in Japanese just yet, so I'll write the rest out in English. After college (provided I'm fluent enough) I'd like to pack up and head right over to Japan. I don't know what I would do there, but I think Japan has more to offer in terms of jobs relating to my major than the US does. That's about it, I guess.
On another topic, the skits were really おもしろいですね。The next four skits will probably be even better too. Now I just need to work on improving my listening comprehension. =\
Oh and doesn't the guy standing behind the guy with the long hair and shotgun look a lot like the robot from Star Wars? Not R2, I mean the tall gold guy (ぜんぜんスターワォーズをみませんですから、なまえはわかりません。)
And here's some more Human Tetris
4 件のコメント:
大学のあとで日本に行きますか? いいですね〜!
こんにちは。アグージェレミーです。コロンビアたいがくのさんねんせいです。どうぞよろしく。わたしのブログにじこしょうかい(self-introduction)があります。よんでください(if you want to).
おととしのなつやすみに日本へいきました。とてもいいくにです。If you get the chance to go, you'll like it there. せんこうはなんですか。
...And, by the way, you really do need to watch Star Wars. The old ones, anyway...
コーヒーはすばらしいですよ。I don't know where I would be in life without it. Seriously, though...