
Oh Em Gee, last post! (for now)


これは私のさい後日本語一年生ポストですが、今私はげんきじゃありません。ポーレンにアレルギーがあるので、さい近よくはざ水が出るかstuffy noseがあります。だから毎年、いつもはるとなつは大へんな時です。ざんねんですね。でもあしたの夜中、新しいマリオカートテレビゲームに出るので、夜中にバスでbarracksに行くつもりですが、あるいて帰るつもりです。

On a different note, I am once again surprised at how much Japanese I learned this semester. I still feel like I'm not very fluent, but that's because I also took four e-school classes and don't know how to balance my time very well. The blog project was interesting but it always seemed like I was doing some other assignment when it came time to make another post so I didn't write as much about the assigned topic (as opposed to writing random stuff just for the sake of having an entry). BUT, I am only taking 13 credits next semester so if we do this again I *might* have more time (my other three classes are going to be very very hard and time-consuming... >.<).

As of now, I'm finally not going to be in the largest class next semester (not that it's necessarily a bad thing). Regardless of which section of Japn 201 I chose, Nihongo will be my first class of the day and since I like to sleep, I went with 12 o'clock. みんなさんは?

And that's it. It was fun!

...but because I'm lame I'm going to embed one of my favorite video games (I actually made this video myself... probably shows why I can't manage my time)

1 件のコメント:

sato さんのコメント...

YES! I agree with you that all of you learned SO much this semester and this year. Would you be able to guess you would learn this much at the beginning of the J101?
You will learn more and be able to talk about much more things next year. Keep up the good work!