So, since I can't say much in Japanese quite yet, I'll make an English intro.
I'm a 2nd year in the e-school majoring in computer science. Here's what my schedule looks like this semester:
JAPN 101 First Year Japanese (4)
APMA 212 Multivariable Calculus (4)
CS 201 Software Development Methods (3)
CS 202 Discrete Math (3)
CS 230 Digital Logic Design (3)
PHYS241W Physics II Lab (1)
My least favorite subject in the entire world is physics. I strongly dislike it with a passion and am so glad I took my final required lecture this past summer, though I still have to deal with a lab this semester on Tuesdays from 12-1:50 in the physics building, inconveniently placed 10 minutes after Japanese is supposed to end but that's my own fault since I try to avoid taking late classes. Therefore, I usually do one of those awkward fast walks out of Cabell and down McCormick every Tuesday after class.
As for why I'm taking Japanese... I like so much about Japan. Examples - the music, the video games (lol), the language (duh), *some* of their food (I was never a big sushi person...). I've tried teaching myself Japanese before though that didn't last long. I figure the best way to learn is through classes.
I was exposed to J-Pop about four or five years ago. Some of my favorite artists are AI, Tommy February6, and most notably Kaori Natori.
Anyway... I should probably go to bed soon so I'm not late to my first class like I was today. I'll end with a video again. Last time I posted a video from a non-Japanese artist so this time I think I'll do the opposite. Here's a video from the Teriyaki Boyz (Heartbreaker), covering a song from Daft Punk (though I forget which one).
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