I came across this KPop ビデオ the other day which I think is pretty funny so I'll post it.
What surprised me is the ビデオ has over 三十六万 views and it was only added 五 days ago. I think it's 四ばん most viewed in the おんがくcategory こんしゅう (and 二十三 overall) or something like that. You usually don't see overseas artists ahead of the mainstream アメリカじん artists so I guess that's why I think it's ちょっと unusual (but I'm glad to see it -いいですね!)
Anyway, I'm glad I'm taking this class not only because I like 日本ご but also because it relieves some of the pressure of my other classes (三 コンピューターサイエンスのクラス と すうがく). My next smallest class has 五十人 so it's also nice to be in a more relaxed atmosphere (not to be confused with easy). でもこんしゅうはOKでした。
To answer the posed question: blogs are intended to be personal. It can be a biography of what the blogger did since they last updated, an in-depth discussion on a hobby of theirs, or anything else related to their own life. I also don't think a blog should be like a formal essay that you turn in for English class because then it's hard to pick up on the blogger's personality, which is a key aspect of blogging.
BAD: Today I was determined to arrive at my multivariate calculus class on time. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful in my endeavor because I strolled past a comrade of mine who noticed me and promptly began to strike up a conversation about the previous examination we took in our Introduction to Psychology class last week.
GOOD: I wanted to be on time for calc today but I bumped into a friend and started talking about last week's psych exam so I ended up being late.
Probably not the best example, but you get the idea. That's my 二 cents on the subject.
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